Bethany Cantwell Bethany Cantwell

Looking Forward

“The world is so empty if one thinks only of mountains, rivers & cities; but to know someone who thinks & feels with us, & who, though distant, is close to us in spirit, this makes the earth for us an inhabited garden.”
― Goethe

Well, I think we can all agree that we are ready to grab onto 2021 with the hope it might be a tad bit different. better. hopeful, however you want to approach it.

I hope that 2021 permits me to do some things I wanted to do more of last year: Sheepskin tanning workshops and demonstrations! In February, I head to Slough Farms in Martha’s Vineyard for a week to teach a brain tanning class! I am so honored and excited to be able to meet other people that are interested in this craft.

One thing I felt that was missing from 2020, was my sense of community (in-person), We did not attend the Farmer’s Market for the 2020 season, but customers, family and friends continued to show up for us. We sold out of lamb and even shipped lamb across the US! I am forever grateful for the support during such a tumultuous year for so many families. However, I missed SEEING everyone every Saturday. I missed my market vendor friends, and my customers. A LOT.

With the absence of personal interaction, I really made a point to connect with my instagram friends, and yes they are my friends! When physical interaction was limited, and nearly non-existent, having those farm conversations via message with my friends really helped me feel more connected to that sense of farming community, that I felt was missing with not participating in the farmer’s market. As farmers, we all were going through similar situations (like getting butcher dates!) and keeping up with the demand, when the grocery stores put limitations on the amount of meat one could purchase. (They did in Ohio at least, for quite some time). Those conversations with my insta friends really helped me along, and I am so glad for that online community!

On another note, I am excited that lambing season is going to kick off starting February 20th! (or thereabouts!) Our new Icelandic ram Fil, has proven to be such a great addition to our flock. He and Peter are getting along well! Fil is a moorit colored ram, and my flock goals are to add diversity or variety of coloring for different wool purposes. I want to spin the wool, (maybe a spinning wheel is in my future!), and have variety of sheepskins for the fall processing!

Filbert, aka Fil. Our newest Icelandic breeding ram.

Filbert, aka Fil. Our newest Icelandic breeding ram.

I will do another update, but we also added another species to our farm….KUNEKUNE PIGS! Wendy and Mabel came from another local farm, Flourish and Roam located here in Ohio. Our plan for the future is to farrow pigs next year, and offer these perfect, manageable sized pigs for a small farm/homestead for others, and to feed families locally and across the US.

Mabel (left) and Wendy (right).  Named after the characters on Gravity Falls, if you were curious.

Mabel (left) and Wendy (right). Named after the characters on Gravity Falls, if you were curious.

I am going to remain hopeful and optimistic for this year, and I hope that everyone finds comfort, as I know that 2020 was not kind to many of us. I will share as much baby lamb and crazy pig antic content as I can, with the hopes it will lift some spirits in a teeny tiny fractional way.

(If you want to keep up with the farm, especially during the cute lambing season, you can sign up below)

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